早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


A:Whose dog is it?B:________ our dog.________ name is Rex.A.It’s … It’sB.Its … ItsC.It’s … Its2、I’m a nurse.I ________ David ________ the same hospital.A.work at … inB.work for … atC.work with … in3、A:________ often do you go to the cinema?B:I go to the cinema once a week.A.WhatB.HowC.Why4、Which choice is wrong?A.He hasn’t any tickets for the football match.B.He hasn’t got any tickets for the football match.C.He doesn’t has any tickets for the football match.5、Who is that man over there?Do you know ________ name?A.hisB.he’sC.he6、I’m hungry.Could you get a sandwich for ________,please?A.IB.myselfC.me7、________ football is under his bed.A.JonesB.Jones’C.Jones’s8、Why ________ go swimming there?A.often do youB.do you oftenC.do often you9、He ________ lunch with a customer now.A.hasB.haveC.is having10、On the table there are ________.A.five ten-dollar billsB.five ten-dollars billC.five ten dollars bills
stupidity,stupid的名词形式.intelligence 智商,名词.poverty,贫困,名词.sick,形容词.expense ,at great expense固定搭配,表示费尽力气,花费周折.safe安全的,形容词,look + 形容词.successful ,成功的.heat 热度,热...