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english learning and history learning
Start from primary school,in the grade of 5,I began to learn English.It was really a long time ago,until now,I still sink into English study since I chose English to be my major in university.While for history,I learned it as a professional subject just 3 years.But history can stimulate my interest and it really teaches a lot.
History helps me to broaden my horizon and takes me to travel the world and appreciate and understand human society and its development through time and space,especially when trying to understand the origin of human and to comprehend all kinds of wars and significant events that happen in history.People say it is wise and useful to look back to history and learn the lesson from the past.What’s more,man can find solutions in history to settle their problem at hands.This is,however,what English cannot provide me.But learning English,on the other hand,makes me understand other civilization and customs that seems very far away from me,far from where I live ,where I has been raised,what I has been educated.It especially and predominately riches my knowledge,open my mind to the outside world and the other culture,principally the western culture.
Learning English is not that easy and it needs persistence and patience,but it is just like a tool,once you master it well,it can be pretty practical and helpful for you to communicate with English-speaking people.However,history can’t be used as a language in communication.So there are different methods to learn English and history.For example,we need to practice speaking English as often as we can,while when learning history,we need to read more extra books that relate to history to fulfill our further understandings.
请大家帮帮忙`````thanks for a million
谢谢```yfymargarate 洛水清华 benlulu302 看不清的眼镜```还有其他各位好心的朋友们
It was really a long time ago,(until now,)省略,因为没必要
I still sink into English study- I have been submerged in English learning
since I chose English to be my major-to be 改为as
in university.-at university
While for history,I learned -have learned
it as a professional subject just 3 years.
it really teaches a lot.-teaches us a lot
takes me to travel the world-allows ne to ...
that happen -happened
settle their problem -problems
what English cannot provide me.-me后加with
other civilization and customs that seems -seem
where I has been raised,-have been brought up
what I has been educated.--have been educated for
It especially and predominately riches -enriches
my knowledge,open my mind -opens
and the other culture,-and other cultures
principally the western culture.-,especially
while when learning history,-while或when去掉一个
we need to read more extra books that relate --that are related to history
to fulfill our further understandings.--to perfect...