Ⅱ.阅读七选五[2015 •甘肃民乐一中高三一诊]
People often say you never get a second chance to make a first impression and that's actually quite true. 9 After all making a good first impression is all about making others feel good when spending time with them. The following tips will help you make a positive impression every time.
• Dress appropriately.
10 That means dressing up or putting on nice clean situation-appropriate clothes for social situations. It isn't difficult and it doesn't have to cost you much either.
• Be aware of your body language.
Words express very little of what you say. Body lan?guage can tell someone a lot about your mood and confidence level. 11 Eye contact is an easy way to make others feel comfortable important and special. Nervous body language can make others uncomfortable and anxious. Try to be aware of your body language when communicating with others.
• Respect the opinions of others.
Not everyone will have the same opinion with you and friendly disagreements can be a gateway to a great conversa?tion. Respect other people's right to have their own opinion. Respect the opinions of others even if you disagree with them. 12
People love talking about themselves but generally you want to be careful of taking over the conversation. By listen?ing carefully to what others are saying you are not only mak?ing them feel important but also gathering cues you need to keep the conversation going and bridge to new topics.
A. Be a careful listener.
B. Show an interest in every person you meet.
C. Smile especially when first meeting someone.
D. Make sure you look nice whenever you meet
someone new.
E. Meeting new people and starting conversations is often challenging.
F. Others will want to be with you and help you make a good impression.
G. Don't force others to believe what you believe or to see things only as you see them.
9. E 根据"People often say you never get a second chance to make a first impression..."可知,给别人留下好印象的机会只有一次,因此如何给别人留下好印象是充满挑战的。故选E项。
10. D 根据下文"That means dressing up or putting on nice clean situation-appropriate clothes for social situations. " 口丁知,在社交场合要打扮得体,这与D项的语境相符。
11.C 根据上文"Body language can tell someone a lot about your mood and confidence level."可知,身体语言表达着你的情绪和自信心,这与C项的语境相符。
12.G 根据上文"Respect the opinions of others even if you disagree with them."可知,当别人的观点与你的观点相悖时,要尊重别人的观点,这与G项的语境相符。
13. A本段是在建议你做好一个"倾听者",A项符合此处语境。
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