早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.A.She is thirty-five.B.She is busy.C.She is a teacher.
2.A.Beijing.B.Tokyo.C.Beg your pardon?
3.A.In the Brown’s.B.To Brown’s.C.Brown’s.
4.A.Quite well,thank you.B.Pleased to tell you.C.Don’t ask such a question.
5.A.Yes,I am.B.She’ll be back.
       C.Sorry,she is not here at the moment.Could you leave a message?
6.(1)What does the girl want to buy?
7.(2)What time is it now?
A.10:15.B.9:45                 C.9:15
8.(3)Which present will Tom buy for Mike’s birthday?
A.A football.B.A backpack.C.A book.
9.(4)Which season does the girl like best?
10.(5)What did Bill do last Sunday?
 A.Watched TV.B.went fishing.C.had a party.
      生词小注:romantic adj. 浪漫的;seldom adv.很少;不经常
11.Does Maggie have any plan on Saturday?
         A.Yes,she has.B.No,she hasn’t.C.No,she doesn’t.
12.How many tickets did Ted’s brother give him?
13.Why is Ted sure that the movie is about love?
         A.He has seen it.B.His brother hates that kind of movies.
         C.He wants to let the girl go with him.
14.What kind of movies does Maggie like?
         A.The movies about love.B.The movies that are English.
         C.The movies that Tom Hanks acts.
15.What does Maggie think is a good way to improve English?
         A.See more English movies.B.Read more English books.
         C.Enjoy more feeling in Tom Hanks’eyes.
16.Why didn’t Edison(爱迪生) start his study before he was eight?
A.Because of his family’s much movement and his illness.
B.Because he didn’t like to go to school.
C.Because his mother was badly ill.
17.How long was he in the school?
        A.Three weeks.B.Three months.C.Three years.
18.What did the teacher think of Edison?
A.He was a good student.B.He was a quiet student.C.He was a bad student.
19.What did Edison do when he heard the teacher’s words?
        A.He went home.B.He was going to do his best.
        C.He cried and ran out of the classroom.
20.What was Edison’s mother in the past?
        A.She was a housewife.B.She was a school teacher.C.She was a home-teacher.
生词:fridge  n.冰箱
Person Activity How often
Gina play basketball three times a week
swim (61) ___
(62) ___ four times a month
play table tennis (63) ___
Gina’s mother drink milk (64) ___
Gina’s father (65) ___ every morning
61.three times a month
62.dance in the club
63.three times a week
64.every evening
65.exercise for 30 minutes/half an hour
M:Hello,Maggie.What are you going to do this Saturday?
W:Nothing special.What's your plan Ted?
M:Would you like to see a movie with me?My brother gave me two tickets yesterday.
W:What's the movie's name?
M:I don't know.But it must be a love story.
W:Why are you so sure?
M:My brother really likes mov ies.But he hates the ones that are about love.
W:Really?I like movies that are romantic.Have you seen Sleepless in Seattle before?
M:Is that a movie about war?
W:No,it's a love story that happened in America.The actor is Tom Hanks.Do you know him?
M:I seldom see English movies.
W:I like actors that are not very handsome,but his eyes are full of feelings.Just like Tom.
M:Oh,I don't like foreign actors who can't say the words clearly.You know my English is not so good.
W:If I were you,I'd see more English movies.It's a good w ay to improve your English.
Because his family came from one town to another,and because of his illness,Edison did not start going to school until he was eight years old.He went to a small school,with all the classes in one room.The teachers were a churchman and his wife,Mr.and Mrs.G.B.Engle.Edison liked to ask“Why“and get answers,not just to learn and remember anything the teacher told him.Therefore,he did not do well at school.
After three months in the school,Edison heard Engle say:“That boy Edison doesn't have a good mind.He can not learn.“
Edison was a quiet boy,but the unfairness of this made him very angry.He took his hat and coat and went home.“I will never go back to that school,“he said.
When his mother learned from him what had happened,she was angrier than he was.The next morning,she went to see Mr.Engle,“I understand that you think my son doesn't have a good mind.“Mary Edison said.
“He does not work carefully enough at his studies.“The teacher said.
“I have been a teacher.”Edison's mother told Engle,“and I think I can say that Engle's way of teachi ng must be wrong.”
Engle then said that a mother's love might make her unable to believe what was true about her son.Mary Edison became angry,“I myself will teach him,“she said,“He won't come here again!“

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