早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.A.I’m a doctor.   B.I like pop music.    C.I’m from New York.
2.A.Have a good time!B.Wonderful,please!C.Happy for your!
3.A.5578439.         B.Near the hospital.   C.Walk straight.
4.A.You look great.  B.What’s the problem?C.That’s dangerous.
5.A.About 15 minutes.  B.About 20 dollars.    C.About 23 kilos.
9.What does Nancy’s dog look like?
A.She has a white sock.
B.She has white bags.
C.She is brown.
10.Where are they?
A.In a shop.
B.In a bank.
C.in a museum.
11.What lesson will the students take___instead of English?
12.How old is the girl?
A.11 years old.
B.12 years old.
C.13 years old.
13.What will Sharon do on Saturday?
A.To see a film.
B.To visit her grandpa.
C.To go horse riding.
14.Why is Lily excited?
A.She will hold a party at home.
B.She has invited Simon to her party.
C.She got the first prize in a competition.
15.What is Peter?
A.A teacher.
B.A student.
C.A library assistant.
16.How does Mrs.Smith go to work?
A.By bike.
B.By bus.
C.On foot.
17.Where does Mrs.Smith work?
A.At Deyuan Hotel.
B.At the city library.
C.At a company.
18.Where will Tony go for a holiday?
A.Y    B.London.  C.Beijing.
19.Who will Tony go with?
A.His father.   B.His cousin.  C.His grandma.
20.When will Tony come back home?
A.At the end of July.
B.At the  
C.At the
                         About a house
        Location(位置)  about ___(21)meters away from the seaside
 Public facilitics(公共设施)  1 kilometer away from a supermarket and 1.5 kilometers away from a ___(22)
 Conditions(状况)of the house  two
___(23),a kitchen and a lathroom
 on the ground floor
 a small ___(24)in front of the house
        Price  1,200 yuan for a ___(25)
1-5 CBABA  6-8 CAB 9-14 BABBCC  15-17 BCC  18-20 ACB
21.500/5/five hundred  22.park  23.bedrooms  24.garden  25.week