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在动画中经常会有循环动作,但不同的情况需要的帧数也是不同的.如:快速飘扬的旗需要6帧画面循环;又如火焰的循环,大火的动作循环从底部烧到顶部可能需要几秒,而小火的循环只需要几帧;下雨的循环动作最好设置两层,前层雨水穿过屏幕,一般需6帧画面,后层雨水穿过屏幕的时间慢於前层,循环的帧数也相应多於前层;下雪的动画则至少需要有3种大小不同的雪花,循序的时间约需要2秒;一个急速跑步动作需4帧画面,快跑动作需8帧画面,慢跑动作则需12帧,超过16 帧,画面就失去冲刺感觉;大象需要1~1.5秒完成一个完整的步子;小动物如猫的一个动作只需0.5 秒或更少;鹰的翅膀一个循环需要8帧;小麻雀的翅膀循环动作有2帧画面就可以了.
1,time and number of frames
The basic thinking of animation time is shown speed:movies and TV show speed is 24 frames per second,and animation generally have 12 frames,then recording or filming for double grid handling.If the paint on the fast movement with the single best animation,namely to draw pictures of 24 per second.For quick run,generally USES 8 frames single-panel picture.For objects with single-panel treatment occurs vibration on both ends of the action.
2,the distance between animation grid
The static objects to move to still have similar laws:static started slowly,the movement speed and motion stops slow.In frames are:from static movement frames to decrease,from the movement to frame number increases,the fastest among movement process,and the fewest number of frames.
3,circulation time
We often have cycle in animation action,but different situation need frames are also different.Such as:fast the flag flying to 6 frame cycle,As the flame of the fire action cycle,from top to bottom cycle may need a few seconds,and small fire cycle; it only takes a few frames,The rain had better install two layers of circular movement through the screen,the former rain,general layer to 6 frame,after the rain through the screen layer on layer,slow time frames and corresponding cycle than before,Snow is need at least three animation of different sizes of the snow,approximately 2 seconds,A rapid movements to run,run four frame movement to 8 frame,jogging,12 frames,movement,picture frame,more than 16 losing sprint feeling,Elephants need 1-1.5 seconds a complete steps,Small animals like cats of an action only 0.5 seconds or less,Eagle's wings a cycle need 8 frames,The sparrow is circular movement has two wings of frame.

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