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     The two largest islands of the British Isles(不列颠群岛)are Great Britain and Ireland. There are
three regions(地区)in Great Britain. They are England, Scotland and Wales. Scotland lies to the north of England, and Wales to the southwest. Ireland lies to the west of Great Britain. It is a smaller island than Great Britain.
     The Atlantic Ocean lies between the British Isles and America, and the Irish Sea between Great Britain and Ireland. The North Sea is on the east side of Great Britain. To the south is the English Channel. Every day large ships cross the Atalntic Ocean to America and saller ones cross the North Sea and the Channel
to Europe.
l. Which of the following maps gives the correct relationship between Great Britain, the British Isles and
A. G-Great Britain;
B. B-British Isles;
C. S-Scotland
2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is correct?
A. Ireland is the smallest island of the British Isles.
B. Great Britain is larger than the British Isles.
C. England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland belong to one country in Europe.
D. Great Britain is the largest island of the British Isles.
3. The following is the map of the three regions in Great Britain, which one is correct?
A. S-Scotland;
B. E-England;
C. W-Wales
4. Great Britain is separated from Ireland by ______.
A. the Atlantic Ocean  
B. the Pacific Ocean
C. the Irish Sea  
D. the English Channel
5. ______ lies to the south of Ereat Britain.
A. the North Sea  
B. the English Channel
C. the Atlantic Ocean  
D. the Irish Sea
