早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



Dear Michelle

My Dad hates my Mom. He tells me that she is a liar and that I should not trust her. Of course they are divorced but they have “joint custody” (共同监护). What a joke! I am a 15-year-old girl my brother is 9 and we have a life of hell frankly.

We live one week on and one week off. This was the “brilliant” idea of both of my parents which was fair to them but ruining my life. I cannot get away from his voice and his putting my mom down. Sometimes I think about running away. What should I do?

A Hopeless Ant

Dear Hopeless Ant

First thank you for trusting me with your problem. If all you said is correct then there are several things that you can and should do to help yourself your brother and oddly enough your parents.

You need a family counselor. Such a person could listen to each family member alone and then meet together to talk about the situation.

If refused you need to talk to a counselor in your school. You need to be heard and you need an adult who will listen. A school counselor can organize a meeting with your parents.

Perhaps you need to write to your mother. Writing things down allows people to go over it more than one time.

I cannot imagine that she will stand passively by and do nothing at all to help once she reads how you feel. Your father needs a letter as well. He may not realize the destructive effect that it has on his children.

Lastly have a plan in mind when all else fails that is not self-destructive. Life passes very quickly sweet heart and you will grow up and have your own life.

Until then you need to keep yourself safe. Never doubt that it will get better. Write back and let me know how everything is going.


1.The Hopeless Ant wrote the letter to _____.

A. explain her worries

B. ask for advice

C. describe her family

D. express dissatisfaction

2.The Hopeless Ant hated her father because he_____.

A. often told lies

B. divorced her mother

C. didn’t love his children

D. wasn’t friendly to her mother

3.In which part of a magazine will the text probably appear?

A. Life. B. Advertisement.

C. Entertainment. D. Education.





试题分析: 这篇文章是两封信,一封是the Hopeless Ant写给Michelle的求助信,征求关于自己对爸爸和自己的离异家庭的厌恶,第二封是Michelle写给the Hopeless Ant的建议信,里面给出了一些中肯的建议。


2.D细节题:根据第一封信的第二段的句子:I cannot get away from his voice and his putting my mom down.可知The Hopeless Ant讨厌爸爸是因为他贬低我的母亲 故选D项。




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