Dear Sir or Madam
I live in Sawnbeck District. I took a walk in Smethwick Park with my 17-month-old son this
morning We were throwing some bread to feed the ducks in the park when a warden (看护人) of the
park walked towards us. She asked me to stop feeding the ducks because I was making a mess. We
followed what she said but she then started asking for a fine. I askd
"What for?" She said "Littering." It was so funny! I take my son to feed the ducks every week. He
loves it. I will not pay the fine.
Kelly Brown
Department of Public Service Sawnbeck District
Dear Kelly
We have also talked with the warden who fined you. We have a rule that people must feed the ducks
only in feeding areas. It was made two months ago. You can find it in the Bulletin Board at the gate of
the park. Last Saturday you and your son broke the rule. So the warden was simply following the
park rules by fining you. You do not have to pay the fine this time but if you are caught again you must
pay the fine.
Jackson Hussain
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