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利用武宣气象观测站 2008年的气象观测资料,对该年的气温、降水、日照气象要素及其所产生的影响进行了分析和评价,得出 2008年年平均气温比常年偏低(1-2月出现较长时间的连续低温天气)。年降水量比常年偏多,年降水分配不均。年日照时数比常年偏多,年变化略大。该年的气候特点对早稻的生长发育利大于弊,属偏好年景;对晚稻生长成熟属偏好年;对甘蔗生长有利有弊,年初属偏差,3月以后属偏好年份;对人民生活、身体健康、交通造成的影响属略偏好年份。
By using the meterial of the year 2008 from Xuanwu Merterology Observation Station, we analysed and evaluated the year's temperature, rainfall,and sunshine factor as well as their effects. The result had it that the annual averge tempreture was a littlelower than perennial temperture(long time of continious low temperture wether in Jan-Feb ); the annual rainfall was a little more than perennial level but in a uneven distributed way; the annual sunshine also slightly exceed prennial situation and also distributed unevenly throughout the year. The climate characteristics of 2008 exertedmore benefit than harm to the early season rice, so it wasa relatively goodod year. It's also a good year to the growth and maturity to late season rice. But it's not so good for the growth of sugar cane. From March on, it tended to be a good year. In terms of people's life health and transportation, it was a good year.
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