早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


11.What ____ you usually ______ (do) in the evening?I ______ (play) computer games.
12.What _______ you _______ (do) now?I _________ (make) a paper plane.
13.What _______ he _______ (do)?He _____________ (dance).
14.What _____she _____ (do) yesterday?She ____ (visit) her grandparents .
15.____ your mother ____ (read) newspaper in the morning?Yes,She
16.______ you ______ (like) fishing?No,I ______ .I like __________ (swim),
but my brother ________ (like).
17.How ______ your father _____ (go) to work every day?He ______ (go) by bike.But it’s cold today.He ______ (take) the No.21 bus,and he _______ (go) to work by taxi yesterday.
18._______ the monkey _______ (like) climbing trees?Yes,it _______ .
19.What _______ your father ______ (do) after lunch?He _______ (read) a comic book.What _____ he _______(do) today?He _______ (clean) the kitchen for my grandma.Look!He (clean).
20.________ you ______ (collect) stamps?Yes.I _______ .________ your brother ______ (collect),too?No,he ________ .
11.do, do, play12.are,doing,am making13.is, doing, is dancing14.did,do,visited15.Does, read,does16.Do,like, don't,swimming,likes17.does,go,goes,is taking,went18.Does,like, does19.does,do, reads,does,d...

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