阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内 单词的正确形式。
The danger of success
A new climber prepared to climb the Alps across the Swiss border. He invited two 41____ (experience) guides to keep him company.
They took a very dangerous mountain road. But 42 ____ (protect) by the two excellent guides he did not feel any danger. They climbed the long road and 43____ (final) arrived at the peak (顶峰) . The climber wanted to enjoy the feeling of standing on the peak first so 44 ____ guides moved aside and let him walk ahead.
On the peak the young climber was so 45____ (excite) that he forgot the strong wind 46 ____ could blow at any time. He jumped up 47____ (cheer) for his victory. Just at this moment one guide caught up 48 him and pulled him down to the ground.
“ Kneel (跪) on the ground quickly!” he shouted. “You’ 11 not be safe 49 ____ you kneel on the ground now!”
There are too many times we want to stand tall and enjoy our success. But it is at these moments that we most easily 50 ____ (appear) in the strong wind.
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