早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
根据句意写出本册书中 所学单词 的 正确形式 , 答案写在答题卡上 ,共10分 小题1:To attain a high level of fluency in a foreign language, you need to be _______(环绕,围绕) by it. 小题2:You should _______(通知,告知) a friend of your targets so they can motivate you. 小题3:You would probably think that the father was ________(祝贺) his son on doing something well. 小题4:They might move in an abrupt way ________(像,与…相似) a robot more than a human. 小题5:Garments will be so strong that they will never get old and ________(磨损的). 小题6:By the year 2050, people will live together in peace and _______(平等). 小题7:Tiny, insect-like robots may be sent around the cells of our bodies to ______(评估) our health. 小题8:Fleming remained modest about the amazing _______(后果,结果) of his discovery. 小题9:Medical advances ranged from discovering the causes of diseases under microscopes to surgical procedures replacing diseased organs with _______(捐赠)ones. 小题10:We started flying around the world and _______(同时), scientists figured out how to split the atom. |
小题1:surrounded 小题2:inform 小题3:congratulating 小题4:resembling 小题5:worn 小题6:equality 小题7:assess 小题8:outcome 小题9:donated 小题10:meanwhile |
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