早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1 他对我隐瞒了职业和年龄
she kept me()()()about her age and job
2 我好羡慕你的成功
how I()you your ()
3 他正忙于明天的会议
he ()()()tomorrow’s meeting
4 他总是充满活力
he is always ()()()
5 托比来信说他将于本月底回伦敦
toby said in his letter that he ()()()london at the end of this month
6 站在这座塔顶你能看到整个城市的景色
()at the top of the tower ,you ()()()()()the whole city
7 他与邻居们和睦相处
he lives ()()()his neighbours
8 我们每分钟都必须充分利用起来
every minute of ()should ()()full ()()
9 据说这本小说非常有趣,很值得一看
()()()that this novel is very interesting and ()worth ()
10 你一定要在5点钟开车来接我
()()that you pick me up at five
1 他对我隐瞒了职业和年龄
she kept me(in)(the)(dark)about her age and job
2 我好羡慕你的成功
how I(envy)you your (success)
3 他正忙于明天的会议
he (is)(busy)(with)tomorrow’s meeting
4 他总是充满活力
he is always (full)(of)(vigor)
5 托比来信说他将于本月底回伦敦
toby said in his letter that he (will)(return)(to)london at the end of this month
6 站在这座塔顶你能看到整个城市的景色
(Standing)at the top of the tower ,you (will)(see)(the)(scenery)(of)the whole city
7 他与邻居们和睦相处
he lives (in)(harmony)(with)his neighbours
8 我们每分钟都必须充分利用起来
every minute of (time)should (be)(made)full (use)(of)
9 据说这本小说非常有趣,很值得一看
(It)(is)(said)that this novel is very interesting and (is)worth (reading)
10 你一定要在5点钟开车来接我
(Be )(sure)that you pick me up at five