早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
We regard it as an important example from the perspective of Buddhism.
We have a verse “如莲华在水”.The meaning is similar to the verse you mentioned.
Lotus has one more meaning.It was said,lotus has flower and fruit on a same time.
It means,cause and result exist simultaneously.In other words,motive includes its result.
For example,only you do something about to realize your wish,and you get closer to the result.
In addition,we say “the direction of the mind is the most important.”
“Treasure of health is more valuable than treasure in warehouse.Treasure of heart is more valuable than treasure of health.”
We regard it as an important example from the perspective of Buddhism.
We have a verse “如莲华在水”.The meaning is similar to the verse you mentioned.
Lotus has one more meaning.It was said,lotus has flower and fruit on a same time.
It means,cause and result exist simultaneously.In other words,motive includes its result.
For example,only you do something about to realize your wish,and you get closer to the result.
In addition,we say “the direction of the mind is the most important.”
“Treasure of health is more valuable than treasure in warehouse.Treasure of heart is more valuable than treasure of health.”
We regard it as an important example from the perspective of Buddhism.
We have a verse “如莲华在水”.The meaning is similar to the verse you mentioned.
Lotus has one more meaning.It was said,lotus has flower and fruit on a same time.
It means,cause and result exist simultaneously.In other words,motive includes its result.
For example,only you do something about to realize your wish,and you get closer to the result.
In addition,we say “the direction of the mind is the most important.”
“Treasure of health is more valuable than treasure in warehouse.Treasure of heart is more valuable than treasure of health.”
We have a verse “如莲华在水”.The meaning is similar to the verse you mentioned.
Lotus has one more meaning.It was said,lotus has flower and fruit on a same time.
It means,cause and result exist simultaneously.In other words,motive includes its result.
For example,only you do something about to realize your wish,and you get closer to the result.
In addition,we say “the direction of the mind is the most important.”
“Treasure of health is more valuable than treasure in warehouse.Treasure of heart is more valuable than treasure of health.”
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