早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享




第一节 听力理解(5段共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



1.What did the woman buy yesterday?

A.A fur hat.

B.A fur coat.

C.A fur bag.

2.What does the man think of the animals being killed?

A.He thinks that people should not destroy the world’s wild life.

B.He thinks that the animals have to be killed.

C.He thinks the fur coats made from wild animals are very beautiful.

3.What does the woman think of the killing of wild animals?

A.She thinks they don’t have to be killed because the nature has its own way of control.

B.She thinks wild animals have to be controlled; otherwise they will be out of control.

C.She thinks animals are put to death painlessly.


4.Why is Joe most likely to stay back in the USA?

A.Because he himself wants to take over his father’s coffee shop.

B.Because his mother wants him to take over his father’s shop.

C.Because he doesn’t want to work abroad any more.

5.Which of the following doesn’t Mike ask Joe to sell or give away?



C Money.

6.Which of the following is Not true?

A.The things that remain are to be given to the Hope Foundation.

B.Joe is not allowed to take anything from Mike’s room.

C.Joe offers to help Mike.


7.What season is it now?

A.It is spring.

B.It is autumn.

C.It is winter.

8.What do we know about the woman?

A.She likes sports.

B.She hates cold weather.

C.She never does housework

9.What is the weather like now?

A.It is cloudy.

B.It is sunny.

C.It is snowy.


10.What was Hong Kong like one hundred years ago?

A.A small city.

B.A small farm village.

C.A small fishing village.

11.How did people go out to sea at that time?

A.By big ship.

B.By ocean liner.

C.By boat.

12.What’s the passage about?

A.Hong Kong-a hundred years ago.

B.Hong Kong-the past and the present.

C.Hong Kong-a modern city.


13.How many best friends does the woman have?




14.How does the woman describe her relationship with her best friends?

A.It’s comfortable intimate and easy.

B.It’s comfortable safe and easy.

C.It’s comfortable safe and intimate.

15.What does the woman think of the friendship between men and women?

A.She thinks that men and women can never be good friends.

B.She thinks that men and women can be good but not intimate friends.

C.She thinks that men and women can be intimate friends.

第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



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