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例句:This skill guide for Fiona is based mostly on the following excellent guide by Bakuryu.
这里的 MOSTLY 应该可以放在 BASED 的前面和后面,那在意思上有什么不同么?这种类型的词是不是怎么读起来顺溜 怎么放啊 还是有要求的?
还有关于英语里面的's 我知道一般 一个个体 是用xxx's tom's jeff's 表示 TOM的XXX JEFF的XXX ,我记得还有一种是s' 就是 表示一群人或者物的XXX.但是有的时候又不用这种表示方法 比如:PEOPLE'S CHILDREN'S .PEOPLE和CHILDREN都是复数类型的词吧.这是为什么啊?
问题有点多哈,不过问题多分也多 :D
the position of adverb in your first inquiry does't have strict rule, you may place it either way, as you mentioned, 'whatever you feel smooth'.

in your example PEOPLE'S and CHILDREN'S the words ' people' and children' also can be deemed as a single group, the usage is similar to Tom's and Jeff's. All these may be expressed as 'of people', ' of Tom', etc...
for the case where s' , where the prime(') is placed behind the meaning is bit different from other cases. In mature time, it will be explained to you.