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迈克杰克逊在2009.06失去生命,随即他的12名粉丝自杀.你的看法? 跪求跪求.
12 of Michael Jackson's fans committed suicide after his death in June 2009.I think that their practices are for them a relief and for the society a huge negative blow.Michael Jackson was loved by people all around the world,and he was loved by some with such devotion that they could not accept the fact of his death.It is perfectly understandable for people to end their lives if their most treasured faith is gone.Death may bring them ultimate relief as they would not suffer the pain anymore.However,MJ's fans who took suicide were somewhat selfish.They did not consider what would happen to their friends,their family and their community after their death.Their death,which has brought them relief,creates pain and suffering for their loved ones,and is indeed a negative blow to the society.

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