早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.There ___________ no hospitals in my hometown fifty years ago.
A.is B.are C.was D.were
2.---Who sings best in your class?
---Jenny _________.
A.do B.did C.does D.has done
3.---________ the young girl __________ the old man clean his room every day?
--- Yes,she does.
A.Does; help B.Has; helped C.Did; help D.Do; helps
4.---Can I go to Beijing for my holiday,Dad?
--- You can when you ________ a bit older.
A.will get B.get C.are getting D.got
5.--- What does Linda often do in the evening?
--- She often ______ her homework,but on the evening of March 12 she _____ TV.
A.does; watches B.is doing; watched
C.does; watched D.is doing; was watching
6.Our geography teacher told us yesterday that the earth ________ around the sun.
A.was moving B.moved C.has moved D.moves
7.If he _________ harder,he will catch up with us soon.
A.study B.studies C.will study D.studied
8.---Don’t forget to ask him to write to me.
---I won’t.As soon as he ________,I’ll ask him to write to him.
A.will come B.came C.comes D.is coming
9.---Do you like this silk dress?
---Yes,I do.It _________ so soft and comfortable.
A.is feeling B.feels C.has felt D.is felt
10.Oh,it’s you.I’m sorry I _________ know you _________ here.
A.don’t; are B.didn’t; are C.didn’t; were D.don’t; were
不要光选项哦,DCABC 6-10 DBCBC
讲出来就给你分啦 比如:是对前句的否定可知现在不在部队服役,是以前“服过役”,故用一般过去时
1. D因为后面是复数hospitals,所以前面要用be的复数形式,又因为“fifty years ago.”所以要用过去式;注意,虽然是“没有”医院,也要用were;当然也可说There was no hospital ...2.C因为主语是第三人称单数,且sing是...
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