早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


With the development of society,we communicate more and more with western countries.①customs,important,it’
s,know,some,western,for,us,to.When you meet and greet people,the simplest thing to say is “Good morning”,“Good afternoon”②o
“Good evening”.This kind of greeting is given to one whom you only know a little,or to anyone you are passing quickly.“How are you?” is usually③
(use) when you are not in such a hurry (匆忙).You reply should be “Fine,thank you”
“Hello” is the commonest from of greeting between good friends.When introducing (介绍) two people,the general rule is:Introduce other people to the person you wish to respect(尊敬).Old people and women are respected in the west as in China.A man always④
stands up for an introduction,but sometimes it’s all right for an elderly man to remain seated.When you receive an invitation,you should answer ⑤
it at once.If you cannot give an answer at that time,you may say,“May I let you know this evening?” or something similar.任务一:将①处划线部分的单词组成正确的句子.56
.任务四:将④处英文翻译成中文 59
.任务五:写出⑤处划线部分所指代的内容 60
He is a student\r\nHe is talking about his classroon\r\nA clock\r\nSixteen\r\nmy classroom\r\n