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阅读短文 根据其内容回答问题。
     It's Saturday morning and Tony's sitting at the kitchen table staring(凝视)into space and playing with
a piece of bread. He's not even hungry. Is he ill? No  but he does have a problem. He has nothing to do
and there's a simple reason: the Internet is down and Tony has nothing to do.
     When he woke up this morning   Tony was  feeling great.  He jumped  out of bed full of plans for the
weekend ahead. It would be a weekend like any other-a great weekend. But  that was before he turned
on his computer and was unable to go online. No Internet changed everything.
     Just as Tony is wondering how he can possibly have a normal(平常的)weekend without the Internet
his mum walks into the kitchen. "Is everything OK?" she  asks. "No mum everything is definitely(的确)
not OK " her sad son replies. "I can't go online  and  I  have homework to finish." His mum laughs "The
word program is still working so what's the problem?"
     What's the problem? Tony can't believe his  own  mother  is  unable  to  see how serious the problem
really is. To start with he still needs to do research for his homework. He knows his mum will tell him to
go to the library but he hates the library.  It's  so  dark  and  uncomfortable. And forget homework-what
about the rest of his weekend! Every weekend  he goes  online to email friends. Then he reads the news
to catch up on what's happening in the world. He plays a few online games and finishes the weekend off
with an online chess game  with  his  cousin  Helen. The  wonderful  weekend-online!  Now it's Saturday
morning and he's not going to have access to(进入)the Internet for two whole days. He needs help.
1.Is Tony busy with the Internet every weekend?
2.What does he usually do every weekend?
3.Why did Tony stare and play with a piece of bread?
4.What might his mother advise him to do?
5.What do you think of spending a whole weekend online? Why?
1.Yes he is.2.He usually goes online to email friends reads the news and plays a few online games.3.Because the Internet was down and he had nothing to do.4.His mother would tell him to ...

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