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     1_____."We have a difficult time controlling our shopping behavior," says Alexander Chemev,a associate
professor of Northwestern University in Evanston."It's influenced by lots of forces we usually don't take into
account." "2_____"
     We should take account of some of them below.
     The five senses
     What you see; Retailers (零售商) work to present their merchandise (商品) in the best light."They use
lighting to make something that looks good look even better," Underhill says,"3_____"
     What you hear:If you like the music a store plays,chances are that you'll like the products it sells-and vice
versa,4_____ That's a because customers respond to the tempo(节奏) of a store's music,says Deborah
McInnis,professor of the USC Marshall School of Business."Studies show that the slower the tempo,the
slower people walk through the store,so the more they put in their baskets and the more they end up buying.
If the tempo is faster,people walk faster too.They don't stop to look so much,and they don't buy as much."
     What you smell and taste:The sweet arose of roasting chestnuts.Free samples of Christmas cookies.Like
music,those are effective ways of inviting customers into a store and making them feel welcome.
     What you touch:Signs encouraging customers to touch the merchandise are far less common in stores
than signs imploring them not to."Touching an object can make you willing to pay more for it.5_____" says
Joann Peck,an associate professor of Wisconsin School of Business.
A.But the rule of thumb should probably be,"If you don't want it,don't touch it."
B.Stores' music,lighting,'deals' and pricing ranges can all influence what you buy.
C.You may be willing to pay more for a cashmere sweater just because you like how it feels.
D.Retailers often identify potential"impulse buys" and put them close to the checkout stand.
E.Just as music can attract people into a store,it can help to keep them there,or hurry them out the door.
F.They try to engage you with all five senses.
G.Everything tends to look better in the store than it does when you get it home.

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