早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Write about what you wished you could have done during the summer,but never got the chance to do.Although you dindn't do it,I want you to pretend you did do it.
Don't forget to write about all the details,for example:
-who were with you
-what was it
-when you started your adventure
-where was it
-why you wanted to do it
-hoe you did it
For example,naybe you wanted to climb to the top of a high mountain during simmer,but you didn't have yhe chance to do so.I want you to pretend you did,Kilimanjaro in Africa,write as if you actually did it.
I went to the Amazon for an adventure,a professional adventurer,Paul Miller,was with me.We walked along the river and saw many wild animals,and we tried to keep away from danger.I noted down the animals we saw,I wrote their species,and asked Paul for details.I also took many photos of them.Our adventure kept on for only two days,but it was really exciting.We finished our adventure by leaving in a helicopter.I wanted to go to the Amazon because I like animals and has always been hoping for an adventure.