早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



56. We are sending you some money in return for your ______( 宝贵的) help.

57. The bomb was _______(爆炸) by remote control.

58. She takes ______(主管) of the day_to_day running of the business..

59.He was _____(录取) into a key university last year.

60. Chest pain can be a _____(信号) of heart problems.

61. She had never been greatly concerned about her _____( 外貌)

62. He took the poor children under his ____(保护).

63. We all admire her for her speaking English ___________( 流利 ) .

64. I hear the concret will be ______(广播) live on TV tomrrow evening.

65. He gave a _______(幽默的) account of their trip to Spain .
