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你可以用谷歌翻译然后帮我订正修改,当然纯手工的最好,大师进————【白喉针尾雨燕体长21厘米左右; 白喉针尾雨燕额灰白色;头顶至后颈黑褐色,具蓝绿色金属光泽; 有时亦见单只或成对飞翔.飞翔快速,时而冲向高空,时而急剧直下,发出“嗖嗖”声响,是鸟类中飞行速度最快的种类之一.; 据记载它的速度为105英里每小时,远超其它任何鸟类的速度.】 【猎豹(学名:Acinonyx jubatus),又称印度豹,是猫科动物的一种,也是猎豹属下唯一的物种,现在主要分布在非洲与西亚.同其它猫科动物不同,猎豹依靠速度来捕猎,而非偷袭或群体攻击.猎豹是陆上奔跑最快的动物,全速奔驰地猎豹,时速一般可以超过120公里,相当于普通人的5倍,相当于人类中百米世界冠军的三倍快,但不能长期奔跑,长期奔跑会导致猎豹体温过热,甚至导致死亡.猎豹不仅是陆地上速度最快的动物,也是猫科动物成员中历史最久,最独特和特异化的品种; 猎豹是猫科家族当中一个让人吃惊的成员,以地球上最快的哺乳动物而闻名,有能力在不超过四分之一英里的距离内提速到70至75英里每小时,而且有能力在静止状态下三秒钟就达到这种速度,远超任何超级跑车】 【棱皮龟,又称革龟,是龟鳖目中体型最大者,最大体长可达3米,龟壳长2米余;体重可述800-900公斤.; 棱皮龟是世界上龟鳖类中体形最大的一种,堪称“巨龟”.棱皮龟数量锐减的一个重要原因是,由于人们在海洋中丢弃废塑料袋使棱皮龟误认为是水母而误食,造成肠道阻塞而死亡;加上过度捕捉和溺毙,所以数量日益减少; 据美国杜克大学研究小组二十一世纪初发表的海龟调查报告表明,棱皮龟有可能在10-20年内灭绝.; 棱皮龟在海龟当中拥有最符合水动力学的身体构造,当它在水中移动的时候巨大的前鳍为它提供了许多力量.这些平整的前鳍让它们非常善于游泳; 棱皮龟是所有存活的海龟中最大的物种,也是现代爬行动物中排名第四位,它也是移动速度最快的爬行动物.它在水中的速度几乎达到22英里每小时,这一速度让它成为世界上最快的爬行动物.】 ——————谢了,真的要用心一点啊拜托,
你可以用谷歌翻译然后帮我订正修改,当然纯手工的最好,大师进————【白喉针尾雨燕体长21厘米左右; 白喉针尾雨燕额灰白色;头顶至后颈黑褐色,具蓝绿色金属光泽; 有时亦见单只或成对飞翔.飞翔快速,时而冲向高空,时而急剧直下,发出“嗖嗖”声响,是鸟类中飞行速度最快的种类之一.; 据记载它的速度为105英里每小时,远超其它任何鸟类的速度.】 【猎豹(学名:Acinonyx jubatus),又称印度豹,是猫科动物的一种,也是猎豹属下唯一的物种,现在主要分布在非洲与西亚.同其它猫科动物不同,猎豹依靠速度来捕猎,而非偷袭或群体攻击.猎豹是陆上奔跑最快的动物,全速奔驰地猎豹,时速一般可以超过120公里,相当于普通人的5倍,相当于人类中百米世界冠军的三倍快,但不能长期奔跑,长期奔跑会导致猎豹体温过热,甚至导致死亡.猎豹不仅是陆地上速度最快的动物,也是猫科动物成员中历史最久,最独特和特异化的品种; 猎豹是猫科家族当中一个让人吃惊的成员,以地球上最快的哺乳动物而闻名,有能力在不超过四分之一英里的距离内提速到70至75英里每小时,而且有能力在静止状态下三秒钟就达到这种速度,远超任何超级跑车】 【棱皮龟,又称革龟,是龟鳖目中体型最大者,最大体长可达3米,龟壳长2米余;体重可述800-900公斤.; 棱皮龟是世界上龟鳖类中体形最大的一种,堪称“巨龟”.棱皮龟数量锐减的一个重要原因是,由于人们在海洋中丢弃废塑料袋使棱皮龟误认为是水母而误食,造成肠道阻塞而死亡;加上过度捕捉和溺毙,所以数量日益减少; 据美国杜克大学研究小组二十一世纪初发表的海龟调查报告表明,棱皮龟有可能在10-20年内灭绝.; 棱皮龟在海龟当中拥有最符合水动力学的身体构造,当它在水中移动的时候巨大的前鳍为它提供了许多力量.这些平整的前鳍让它们非常善于游泳; 棱皮龟是所有存活的海龟中最大的物种,也是现代爬行动物中排名第四位,它也是移动速度最快的爬行动物.它在水中的速度几乎达到22英里每小时,这一速度让它成为世界上最快的爬行动物.】 ——————谢了,真的要用心一点啊拜托,
[diphtheria needle tail Yu Yan body is about 21 cm long; diphtheria needle tail Yu Yan frontal gray; crown and nape dark brown,with blue green metallic luster; sometimes also single or paired.Fly fast,sometimes into the sky,sometimes sharply down,issued a "swish" sound,is one of the fastest flight of birds.According to records of it; the speed of 105 miles per hour,far more than any other bird speed.[] cheetah (scientific name:Acinonyx jubatus),also known as the India leopard cat,is a kind of animal,but also the cheetah's unique species,now mainly in Africa and asia.Different with other animal of the cat,cheetah rely on speed to hunt,and not attack or group attack.The cheetah is the fastest animal on land,full speed to the cheetah,generally more than 120 kilometers per hour,equivalent to 5 times the ordinary people,equivalent to three times the human hundred metres world champion is fast,but not in the long run,will lead to long-term running cheetah overheating,and even lead to death.The cheetah is the fastest land animal,animal is a cat member with the longest history,the most unique and specialized varieties; the cheetah is a member of the cat family,a surprise to the earth,the fastest mammal known,have the ability to not more than 1/4 miles of distance up to 70 up to 75 miles per hour,but also has the ability to rest three seconds to reach this speed,far more than any supercar] [leatherback turtle,also known as the leatherback turtle,Chelonia is the largest size,maximum body length up to 3 meters,the turtle shell is 2 meters long Yu; weight 800-900 kilograms.; leatherback sea turtle is the world's largest turtles in a,can be called "a giant turtle".An important reason for the decrease of the leatherback sea turtle,because people throw waste plastic bags in the ocean that leatherbacks mistaken for jellyfish and swallowed,causing intestinal obstruction and death; and excessive capture and drowned,so the number has been decreasing; according to the United States Duke University research team at the beginning of the twenty-first Century report showed that the turtle,leatherback turtle probably extinct in 10 - 20 years.Leatherback turtles have; with the physical structure of the water dynamics in the turtle,when it is in the water moving huge front flippers as it provides many forces.These flat front flippers to make them good at swimming very much; leatherback turtle is the largest species all live turtles,but also the modern reptiles ranked fourth,it is also the fastest moving reptiles.It's almost 22 miles per hour speed in the water,the speed that it became the world's fastest reptile.]
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英语翻译你可以用谷歌翻译然后帮我订正修改,当然纯手工的最好,大师进————白喉针尾雨燕体长21厘米左 2021-01-12 …