早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


      Mama and Daddy loved having the family together on Christmas.They spent days making candy and
cookies,preparing gifts and decorating.
      Forty-four years together made them a great team.But with Mama's unexpected death in the spring,
we now faced our first Christmas without her.The holidays would be especially hard for Daddy.We tried
to comfort him.We would all be with him on Christmas as usual.
      On Christmas Eve a small snow turned to a heavy one,covering our yard and 150-foot driveway,as
well as the access road (干道的支路).We started cleaning,but the snow was falling faster than we could
keep up.The weatherman predicted the storm would continue through the night.Church services were also
canceled."We'll be there as soon as possible in the morning," I told Daddy on the phone.But inside I wondered
      Early Christmas morning we began digging through stomach-high snow.We finished the driveway,but
seeing the mountains of snow on the access road,we admitted failure.As I stared at the access road,I heard
the sound of a snowblower.Lord,please help us get to Daddy today,I prayed.
      The sound of the snowblower grew louder.I looked up.There,coming straight toward us was a big
yellow machine with a huge plow (犁) effortlessly clearing a path through the snow-packed road.I stared in
disbelief.Never in our 18 years here had the snow been plowed on this road.
      The driver of the snowblower sat up straight at the wheel and was warmly dressed,collar (衣领) up,cap
down-and wings beneath his coat,I'm sure.
1.We learn from the passage that the author's parents _____. [     ]
A.separated a year ago
B.were married for forty-four years
C.like spending holidays very much
D.have prepared for this Christmas for days
2.The author started to clean the snow in order to _____. [     ]
A.go to church
B.have a clean driveway
C.go to please his father
D.send his children to school
3.Before the snowblower arrived,the author had _____. [     ]
A.decided to give up
B.stopped to have a rest
C.finished the access road
D.cleaned the snow mountains
4.In the author's eyes,the driver of the snowblower was a(n) _____. [     ]
C.ordinary cleaner
D.hard worker

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