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离婚率上升的原因及影响 英文 2 3 百字
帮你提供范文一篇 文章只谈了离婚率上升原因与相关分析 关于影响 自己发挥一下
It is a social phenominon that divorce rate is on the rise.At first glance,it seems a retrogression of social civilization.By further analysis,it is not hard to see the social and economic reasons for it.
In the past,marriage used to be confined by family backgrounds.Some talented people could not find the spouses of their hearts because of their family origin.Some were married with reluctance in their heart to those beneath them.Such a marriage can not bring happiness.
As time edvances young people put a higher standard on marriage.They want to have more in common with their life-long companion.To them,marriage is the unity of body and soul.They associate love more with esteem and admiration than with passion.Some are too young to fall in Iove.When they are in passion,they marry each other.When the passion is gone,the marriage is over.That is an irresponsible attitude.The young people would rather separate than tolerate,so they unite easily and separate quickly.
With the open-door policy,more people are getting rich.More money brings threat to the stability of marriage.Some spend money lavishly on material comforts and seek after beautiful young women.As a result,more families are broke.Money cannot buy true love and happiness.
文中分析了 离婚率上升 社会和经济原因.仅供参考!
此外,四六级考试中作文 请尽量采用模板作文(这也是国内考试的弊端)
It is a social phenominon that divorce rate is on the rise.At first glance,it seems a retrogression of social civilization.By further analysis,it is not hard to see the social and economic reasons for it.
In the past,marriage used to be confined by family backgrounds.Some talented people could not find the spouses of their hearts because of their family origin.Some were married with reluctance in their heart to those beneath them.Such a marriage can not bring happiness.
As time edvances young people put a higher standard on marriage.They want to have more in common with their life-long companion.To them,marriage is the unity of body and soul.They associate love more with esteem and admiration than with passion.Some are too young to fall in Iove.When they are in passion,they marry each other.When the passion is gone,the marriage is over.That is an irresponsible attitude.The young people would rather separate than tolerate,so they unite easily and separate quickly.
With the open-door policy,more people are getting rich.More money brings threat to the stability of marriage.Some spend money lavishly on material comforts and seek after beautiful young women.As a result,more families are broke.Money cannot buy true love and happiness.
文中分析了 离婚率上升 社会和经济原因.仅供参考!
此外,四六级考试中作文 请尽量采用模板作文(这也是国内考试的弊端)
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