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Do you like travelling?
Do you need travel companions or prefer to travel alone?
Discuss these with your partner.
yes,i do.
I like to travel with a companion
I prefer to travel alone because I can spend my time for myself.When you travel alone,you meet new people,have new experiences,and learn more about yourself.
You have a time to read books and review your life deeply.
I meet other tourists or local people at every trip.
When I went to Bari for surfing,I met local surfers and Japanese tourists.All of them are friendly and fun.I had a lunch with them,took a picture in front of the beach and enjoyed surfing together.
If I went to surf with your friends,I would not speak to them because I was not alone.
In addition to that,I could manage my time for everything that I want.I could take a nap in the afternoon and eat dinner late at night.
I like to read novels.I work until the midnight in Japan because my company is an American IT company.So I don’t have enough time to read novels but when I travel alone,I turn off my mobile phone and find a quiet place.
It’s really important for me to read books and review my experiences at least two times a year.
If I travel with my friend,I won’t take enough time to read books and I’ll get a lot of stress.
Maybe some people prefer to travel with their friends but I’m not type to do a cooperativeness.
I am more open to new experiences when I travel alone.
When I travel with a friend,I spend all my time looking for new friends.I have to take a lunch and dinner with my friend every day.When you conflict something with your friend,you have to find the common ground.Sometimes you feel a stress and it makes your motivation low.
When I encounter a difficult situation,I have to find my own solution.Isn’t that the point of trabel?

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