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In an effort to reduce their inventories,Italian vintners have cut price; their wines are priced to sell,and they do.
这句话中,对于第二句话的 their wines are priced to sell,and they do.
中,到底are priced是谓语还是sell 是谓语?
平行结构and they do后面省略了谓语,因为they 是人,所以 they 不能被priced 只能是sell .可以为什么sell 是谓语?不定式不是非谓语吗?那 are priced是啥?为什么
对于第二句话的 their wines are priced to sell,and they do.
are priced是谓语 或者说 are priced to sell 是谓语
不是平行结构 而是并列句 and they do中的do并不是省略 而是 代动词 指的是 cut price to sell their wines,they我认为指代 是人vintners,因为前面的 their指代 的也是.
句子意思 :为了努力减少库存,意大利葡萄酒商已经降了价;他们的葡萄酒酒正在被重新定价出售,酒商们确实在降价出售葡萄酒.