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Negotiation,referred to in arts.4,17,18,19,30& 33,requires a dialogue with an obligation to compromise-if in good faith a reasonable actor would so compromise-but not necessarily an obligation of result.Of course all three terms function within a political context in which the pressures to agree (or disagree) would both inform the terms and promote an outcome.
Negotiation,referred to in arts.
4,17,18,19,30& 33,requires a dialogue with an obligation to compromise-if in good faith a reasonable actor would so compromise-but not necessarily an obligation of result.
4,17,18,19,30&33,用义务需要对话妥协处理- 如果在一个明理的演员会如此妥协处理的好信心方面- 但是不必然地结果的义务.
Of course all three terms function within a political context in which the pressures to agree (or disagree) would both inform the terms and promote an outcome.
当然所有的三个术语在政治上的上下文里面动作在哪一要同意 ( 或不同意) 的压力会两者都告知术语而且促进一个结果.