早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1)differences in cultural values require extra skill when attempting to motivate changes in behavior.Managers need to accurately interpret the situation and design a strategy that fits an individual's values and needs.This process is fairly straightforward when working with people of similar backgrounds,but is much more difficult when attempting to understand and motivate employees whose values and backgrounds may be different from your own.
2) to maintain a harmonious and productive multicultural workplace.
3)the understanding of employee motivation may vary between different people from different culture
4)under a rapidly changing and highly competitive business environment
1)differences in cultural values require extra skill when attempting to motivate changes in behavior.Managers need to accurately interpret the situation and design a strategy that fits an individual's values and needs.This process is fairly straightforward when working with people of similar backgrounds,but is much more difficult when attempting to understand and motivate employees whose values and backgrounds may be different from your own.
2) to maintain a harmonious and productive multicultural workplace.
3)the understanding of employee motivation may vary between different people from different culture
4)under a rapidly changing and highly competitive business environment
1. In an environment with different cultural values, special skill will be required when trying to motivate behavioral changes. Managers have to implement a strategy that can fulfill the needs and val...
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