早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
in this book,they first explain why critical design is really difficult to describe as a design practice or process.they then describe two critical design case studies we undertook and the effects they observed them having when place in the field.After sharing their breakdowns and breakthroughs along the way,they offer reflections on designing for provocativeness,the value of deep relationships between researchers and research participants,and the need to plan for and go with a fluid and emergent research plan.
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in this book,they first explain why critical design is really difficult to describe as a design practice or process.they then describe two critical design case studies we undertook and the effects they observed them having when place in the field.After sharing their breakdowns and breakthroughs along the way,they offer reflections on designing for provocativeness,the value of deep relationships between researchers and research participants,and the need to plan for and go with a fluid and emergent research plan.
同义词替换 如果可以 换一下句子的位置~
In this book, before introducing two critical design case studies we undertook and the effects the writer observed when the studies were placed in the field, it(the book) first explains why critical d...
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为什么光打闪没有雷?这几天,晚上老是有闪电,但是没有雷,也没有下雨,老人们管这叫“露水火”.科学上 2020-06-16 …
甲问乙:“你屋里有蚊子没有?”下面是乙的回答.请你按括号里的要求,给每句加上标点我屋里有一只蚊子没 2020-07-04 …
英文字母新写法t没有下面勾吗?今天看孩子的作业,看见孩子的英文字母t写成+孩子说是老师教的.有知道 2020-07-10 …
1如果下雨,春游就会改期;如果没有球赛,春游就不会改期.结果没有比赛,所以没有下雨.证明上述判断正 2020-07-27 …
什么是无界函数?大家看我理解对不对分为三类a有上界没下界b有下界没上界c没上下界 2020-07-31 …
下雨的边界是在哪里?这个问题很纠结···打个比方,我住广州,和佛山接壤,广州这边下雨了但佛身没有下 2020-07-31 …
麦子为什么在没有大风,没有下雪,没有地震,没有干旱的情况下也结不出麦子,结合《如果麦子没有考验》说 2020-11-06 …
我住在广西南宁.小的时候我看见过红色的雷,当时天很亮,也没有下雨,只是刮很大的风.有些老人也说从来没 2020-11-13 …
谁没睡能帮忙把这个一小段英语同义词替换一下吗》inthisbook,theyfirstexplain 2021-01-20 …