早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1`All the films were very funny.Chaplin acted in the films.\
2`I often think of the days.We cycled along the bank of the canal in that days.
3`We talked for half an hour about things and persons.We could remember the things and persons.
4`The farm is run by the state.We learned farming on the farm.
5`Let's think of a situation.This idiom can be used in the situation.
1`All the films were very funny.Chaplin acted in the films.\
2`I often think of the days.We cycled along the bank of the canal in that days.
3`We talked for half an hour about things and persons.We could remember the things and persons.
4`The farm is run by the state.We learned farming on the farm.
5`Let's think of a situation.This idiom can be used in the situation.
1`All the films that Chaplin acted in were very funny.2`I often think of the days that we cycled along the bank of the canal.3`We talked for half an hour about things and persons that we could remembe...
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