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这个英语是是什么意思Ling, Ship all that pass via Fedex please. Regards David Hi David If all are OK please send everything. Thanks Emma Subject: Re: FF22032 Emma, There will be 200 ready to qc tomorrow. If all ok shall we send them all? Regards DA FF22032 Hi David We need 140pcs of this line asap, when they are ready is it possible to get the stock fedexed across. Many thanks Emma From: david [mailto:david@hil.imsbiz.com.hk] Sent: 10 October 2008 06:55 : Fw: FF22032 The straps in question are pictured. Our qc team in ZS has rubbed the top of the band on the paper that each one is sitting on. There are small marks as you can see, but I beleive acceptable. Secondary to this, when rubbed with the finger small black dots come off the band. My girls opinion on the dots is that "if I saw it at qc it would reject." Please advise our next actions. Regards DA
Ling, Ship all that pass via Fedex please. Regards David Hi David If all are OK please send everything. Thanks Emma Subject: Re: FF22032 Emma, There will be 200 ready to qc tomorrow. If a...

如图所示为某科技创新小组设计的水位计工作原理图,容器中的绝缘浮子随水位的升降带动滑动变阻器R的滑片  2020-04-08 …

如图所示的电路中,L是一个自感系数很大、直流电阻不计的线圈,D1、D2和D3是三个完全相同的灯泡,  2020-04-08 …

设顺序表L是一个递增有序表。编写算法,要求利用二分查找法确定插入位置,将元素x插入到L中,使L保持  2020-05-13 …

设顺序表L是一个递减有序表,试写一算法,将e插入到L中,并且使L仍为一个有序表?  2020-05-13 …

如图所示的电路中,L1和L2是两个相同的小灯泡,L是一个自感系数较大、直流电阻可忽略不计的理想线圈  2020-05-13 …

如图所示的LC振荡电路,其中L是一个带铁芯的有抽头的线圈,C的两极间插有电介质板,为了降低振荡频率  2020-05-15 …

若L是一个双向链表,P结点既不是首结点,也不是尾结点。在P结点前插入S结点的语句是(21)。A.B.  2020-05-26 …

若L是一个无表头结点的单链表,P结点既不是首结点,也不是尾结点。删除P结点的后继结点的语句是(57)  2020-05-26 …

请问:上面是个宝字盖依次向下是个心字,又有一个四字,那个四字中间的丿与L是两个竖道,最后还...请  2020-06-19 …

如图所示,L是一个纯电感线圈,R为一个灯泡,下列说法中正确的是()A.开关S闭合瞬间和断开瞬间,灯  2020-06-21 …