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Social Network Sites
Social network websites is very popular in nowadays society.It plays an important role /part in our life,and it become people to access information,self-expression and marketing of window,like Facebook Renren and Kaixin .But it has some drawbacks ,including personal information disclosure,interpersonal trust problem and so on.
People’s opinions vary greatly on social network sites.Some are in favor of those sites for they provide many opportunities to know other people and to know what’s happening in the world.Besides,they’re very convenient to making friends.But some people think it is difficult to protect users’ privacy on social network sites.Some even get addicted to them and abandon their real life.After all,they don’t live in the virtual world.For example there are so many personal information disclosure emerge from cyber love.
In my opinion,the social network sites can be very helpful when we want to keep in touch with friends,but we should improve preventive awareness and must remember that the real world is the most important in our life.
Social Network Sites
Social network websites is very popular in nowadays society.It plays an important role /part in our life,and it become people to access information,self-expression and marketing of window,like Facebook Renren and Kaixin .But it has some drawbacks ,including personal information disclosure,interpersonal trust problem and so on.
People’s opinions vary greatly on social network sites.Some are in favor of those sites for they provide many opportunities to know other people and to know what’s happening in the world.Besides,they’re very convenient to making friends.But some people think it is difficult to protect users’ privacy on social network sites.Some even get addicted to them and abandon their real life.After all,they don’t live in the virtual world.For example there are so many personal information disclosure emerge from cyber love.
In my opinion,the social network sites can be very helpful when we want to keep in touch with friends,but we should improve preventive awareness and must remember that the real world is the most important in our life.
Social network websites are very popular nowadays. they play important roles /parts in our life,and they have provide space for people to access to information and express themselves. websites like F...
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