早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


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Hold the ladder for me,that's____.
A.all B.it C.all right D.complete
2As I know,there is ____person as the Superman in the world.
A.no such Bno a C.nor such D.no such a
3The machine is very complicated.Once____apart,it can hardly be put together again.
A.take B.to take C.taking D.taken
4The letter from his girlfriend he had been looking forward to____yesterday.
A.came B.comes C.coming D.come
5Set out early tomorrow morning____we won't get caught in the rush hour.
A.in case B.because C.so that D.until
6____new companies have been started in our city.
A.A plenty of B.A great many C.Plenties of D.Good many
7When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as if it____.
A.breaks B.has brokenC.were broken D.had been broken 谢谢帮助
B .that's all顾名思义表示内容的终结,那就是全部了,that's it意为"就是它了",表示仅此而已.that's all right表示没关系,一般用来安慰人或者回复别人的thanks,that's complete意为那是完整...