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一篇题目是:my way of learning English
My Way of Learning English
My Way of Learning English
Every people has his own way of learning English,and I have mine. In my opinion,the learning of English is quite easy,you know,much easier than the learning of maths or physics or other things like that.
There are two points in my way of learning English.
First,be aware that English is nothing but a language just like all other languages in the world including our Chinese. What’s a language for? It’s for people to communicate with each other,to put their thoughts down on the paper and so on. So just open your mouth,speak out what you can and try to make yourself understood. In order to do this,the things you have to do is just trying to remember the English words just as we have remembered Chinese characters,and imitate our teachers and the native-speakers and speak English out just as we learn to speak our mother tongue. And now,we are just making sentences out of the words we have learned as we have done that when we learn Chinese. And what about the rules? The rules in English are sometimes confusing. Well, I will talk about that later.
Now the second point,always remember that we are not English-speakers. So we don’t learn English completely the same way as we learn Chinese. We have to do more. Because there are few chances for us to practise,it’s difficult for us to find the mistakes we make and correct them. We have to creat a better environment ourselves. We must make the best use of whatever we can get access to. What’s more,never believe ourselves too much because sometimes we are not aware that we are making mistakes.So try to solve whatever you are not sure about whenever you come acroos them. However,don’t be afraid of making mistakes,and it’s not necessary for me to talk too much about this.
And now,after the two points,I will talk concretely how I have learned English and how I have solved the problems.
To learn English well,we must expose ourselves to“real English”. The texts in our books are all well chosen,from which we can learn a lot. And remember,never learn English word by word,but phrase by phrase ,sentence by sentence and then passage by passage. In our spare time,we can read newspapers and some books in English version,listen to BBC or VOA. After that,we can have a sense of using English and the rules will not be a problem any more. And here,the films in English are also of great help. It’s good for both your aural and speaking English.
What about other problems? First, look up what you can’t understand in a good dictionary. Second,consult people around you about whether you have used the right word or have made the sentence in an intelligible way. Third,make friends with native-speakers. They will tell whether you have done the job in a native-speaker way. Last,use the internet,you can find almost everything you want to know on line.
OK, that’s the way I learn English. And here I have a motto to share with you,“Learn whatever it may be,whenever you can,and wherever you will.”