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英语中秋节介绍四年级20字左右 带中文
originally is a moon festival originated from the center for the moon, the early tang dynasty. Song dynasty is the Mid-Autumn festival, then the heyday had a grand, tender and unrestrained, there are many abounds characteristic and the momentum of the festivities, also have many magical touching story. Mooncakes on offering from the Ming dynasty god hath, and the Mid-Autumn festival is rich and colorful, the characteristics of diet can keep pace with The Times. The Mid-Autumn festival is very early to South Korea, north Korea, Japan and Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, yet in some countries still have very lively and exotic flavors. 中秋节本来是一个以月亮为中心的节日,起源于唐初的赏月风尚。宋代是中秋节的全盛期,那时过得隆重、抒情而狂放,各地有许多富于特色和声势的欢庆活动,也流传着许多神奇动人的故事。月饼最早来自明代祭月神的供品,而中秋节的特色饮食其实丰富多彩,可以与时俱进。中秋节很早就传到了韩国、朝鲜、日本、越南、新加坡、泰国、马来西亚等国,至今在有些国家仍过得很热闹且有异域风味。