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holiday ideas are changing 字数不限 词汇量尽量控制在高中词汇之内 跪谢
内容说一些什么最近人们生活质量提高了 然后空闲时间增多了 然后钱多了 什么什么的 然后度假的方式和选择也多了 然后度假的内容的一些变化
holiday ideas are changing 字数不限 词汇量尽量控制在高中词汇之内 跪谢
内容说一些什么最近人们生活质量提高了 然后空闲时间增多了 然后钱多了 什么什么的 然后度假的方式和选择也多了 然后度假的内容的一些变化
Holiday ideas are changing
Holidays are always big days or important days in our lives. However, the ways of celebrating are changing.
Once when it came to holidays, people paid much attention to things to eat, especially when there was not enough food or people were too poor to afford good food. Another way of celebrition was to put on beautiful clothes, which were not worn everyday. People felt very happy when they looked pretty and enjoyed the food of "heaven".
However, these things are very common today. Everyday, we eat what we want and dress what we like because we are rich. It seems that we are not satisfied with the basic material needs. We have a higher level of needs, such as watching a movie, traveling around the country, going abroad, or even doing physical exercise. The holiday ideas are changing because of the improving living standard.
We have more interesting ways of enjoying our lives, but we are not as happy as before. We have much more desires to be met. We want bigger houses, earn more money, drive better cars only to find we work much harder, eat less and sleep less, worry a lot, have less time with our family, have bad mood and poor health... We begin to miss the good old days, when we once lived a simple but happy life.
Holidays are always big days or important days in our lives. However, the ways of celebrating are changing.
Once when it came to holidays, people paid much attention to things to eat, especially when there was not enough food or people were too poor to afford good food. Another way of celebrition was to put on beautiful clothes, which were not worn everyday. People felt very happy when they looked pretty and enjoyed the food of "heaven".
However, these things are very common today. Everyday, we eat what we want and dress what we like because we are rich. It seems that we are not satisfied with the basic material needs. We have a higher level of needs, such as watching a movie, traveling around the country, going abroad, or even doing physical exercise. The holiday ideas are changing because of the improving living standard.
We have more interesting ways of enjoying our lives, but we are not as happy as before. We have much more desires to be met. We want bigger houses, earn more money, drive better cars only to find we work much harder, eat less and sleep less, worry a lot, have less time with our family, have bad mood and poor health... We begin to miss the good old days, when we once lived a simple but happy life.
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