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不用写作文了 把下面这段话翻译即可 不要在线翻译的哟~着急用
通过对中西方爱情观的比较可以看出 中西方爱情观相差甚远 中国传统文化中的爱情观已经逐渐落伍僵化 .爱情是一个民族充分发挥潜能的保证和体现 中国文化需要一种健康向上 积极有为的爱情观 这是西方文明给我们带来的冲击和反思 我们可以借鉴西方爱情观的积极成分 形成一套适合当代中国自身的新型爱情观
最后强调一遍 不要在线翻译的!我们班大神们不好糊弄
Through the comparison of Chinese and western view of Chinese and western love view that far in the China traditional culture love view has gradually behind rigid. Love is a national potential to the full guarantee and reflected Chinese culture needs to be a healthy up for this is the love of positive western civilization brought us the impact and the reflection we can use for reference the western view of active components form a set of suitable for contemporary China's own new love