早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
用英文翻译一段自我介绍很高兴见到大家,我是一个喜欢运动的人,比如打篮球,羽毛球,跑步,我是一个喜欢热闹的人,上街的时候,看到人多的地方,我都要去看一看,因为很有意思,现在考入了大学,和以前已经不一样了,见到了许多陌生的人和老师,但用不了多久,我就可以和他们成为朋友。才来大学的第一个学期,我感受到了大学与高中的区别,大学里面注重培养学生的实践能力,动手能力,以及社交能力,老师不再紧逼着学生看书,背书,而是让我们自己掌握我们的学习状态,这样可以锻炼我们的自学能力。 在大学里面,我们要学会与别人相处,这样才可以有更多的朋友,你如果不热情的对待别人,别人怎么可能热情的对待你,现在,我参加了一些社团,加社团很有意思,能让我们学到很多东西,而且可以认识更多的学长和学姐。 最后,希望大家有个愉快的大学生活。
"Nice to meet you, everyone. I like sports very much, such as playing basketball, badminton, running. I am a lively person and enjoy crowds. When I see many people in the street, I always go to have a look, because it is very interesting. Now I have been admitted to the university, and it is different. I see a lot of strangers and teachers, but it won't be a long time before I can become friends witj them. Just when I came to the university in the first term, I felt the difference between the university and the high school. The universities pay much attention to the training of the students' practical ability and social ability. The teachers no longer press students reading and endorsement, but let us master our learning state by ourselves, so that we can develop our self-study ability. In the university here, we have to learn how to get along with others, so that we can have more friends. If you don't be warmhearted to others, however others may not treat you warmly. Nowdays, I have taken part in some societies. I think it is very interesting, it can not only let us learn a lot of things, but also can know more seniors and learning elder sisters. At last, I hope everyone has a happy college life.Thank you!" 谢谢采纳!
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