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Recently it has been observed that more and more people are switching to organic vegetables and fruits. They are 小题1: (nature) and safe for the human body to consume. Organic farming __ 小题2: (increase) and evolved in a large way due to this large demand by now. Farmers are getting better at the art of growing organic vegetables and there are many helpful tips 小题3: __ they share with other members of the organic farming circle. 小题4: you are a gardener and interested in growing organic vegetables, 小题5: is wise to be aware of these tips and choose the best organic garden tip that helps 小题6: garden to produce healthy and better vegetables.
One helpful organic garden tip that works well for all farmers is 小题7: (make) your own fertilizer. This is 小题8: kind of fertilizer made of dry leaves, fruit peelings and kitchen food disposables. These materials are buried underground and kept there 小题9: some time. With fermentation(发酵)taking place the soil becomes richer with nutrients. This means you get a fertilizer that does not have chemicals at all. This fertilizer enhances the soil and so the vegetables and fruits are 小题10: (health) and better.

小题2:has increased
小题7:to make
小题8: a
小题9: for


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