The place where I work kindly provides food for all attendants. However what bothers ___1.___ is that they throw away all leftovers and there are usually lots!
Last week I finally made my point and ___2.___(allow) to take a huge plate of very nice sandwiches away with me. It would have been ___3.__ real shame to see them ending up in the dustbin.
I was looking for the homeless guy ___4.__ usually sat in front of our local supermarket ___5.___(pet) his dog on an old blanket. He was ___6.___(extreme) pleased when I showed him the food. He had nothing to carry the food in and offered to return the plate the following week. ___7.___ we had never spoken before I decided to believe 8. him and I was not disappointed. He brought it back clean yesterday.
This has made me understand that the homeless are easy___9.___(satisfy). And it has inspired me to share more __10.___local homeless people.
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