早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.What s_ I do?
2.A wolf went to a farm.It ate the farmer's s_ .The farmer was angry .He had a gun .He w_ to kill the wolf.
The wolf ran a_ .It saw Mr East on the way .Mr East was k_.He
helped the wolf.The farmer d_ see the wolf .Later the wolf jumped o_ of the bag to eat Mr East.
A cleevr old man came .He made the wolf j_ into the bag again .He saved Mr East .They were safe.
This story t_ us "Never take pity on an enemy."
1.What s_ I do?
2.A wolf went to a farm.It ate the farmer's s_ .The farmer was angry .He had a gun .He w_ to kill the wolf.
The wolf ran a_ .It saw Mr East on the way .Mr East was k_.He
helped the wolf.The farmer d_ see the wolf .Later the wolf jumped o_ of the bag to eat Mr East.
A cleevr old man came .He made the wolf j_ into the bag again .He saved Mr East .They were safe.
This story t_ us "Never take pity on an enemy."
sheep wanted
away kind did out
sheep wanted
away kind did out
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