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英语作文:学校的english centre是同学们练习英语的场所,这里的hotline每天都能收到不少同学的咨询电话.
学校的english centre是同学们练习英语的场所,这里的hotline每天都能收到不少同学的咨询电话.作为热线的一名志愿者,请你根据当时的记录,首先描述其中两位同学遇到的问题,然后给一位同学提出具体意见并说明原因.(不少于七十个词)
Problem:There are so many rules in my family.For example,I have to do chores after school .
Problem:Pet dogs in my neighborhood make the ground dirty.
Problem:My parents want me to be a lawyer.But i want to be a pop singer.
Student:Mike,the captain ofthe school soccer team in junior3
Problem:i cannot decide to play or not to play on the team.We've got many calls from teenagers.They have met different problems
We get many calls from our schoolmates. They have different problems.
A girl named Mary says there are many rules in her family. For example, she has to do a lot of housework after school. Tom and his parents differ in their wishes about his future.
Firstly I have some suggestions for Mary. From your call, I know you don’t approve of your family rules. I suggest that you have an honest talk with your parents because if you exchange opinions, then you will understand each other better. As for Tom, I think you can tell your parents what you are interested in and tell them interest is the mother of success and you will try your best to achieve your goal. I believe they will agree with your opinion sooner or later. Good luck!
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