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要求 请写一篇短文描述一下你去购物与售货员的对话不少于60词
要求 请写一篇短文描述一下你去购物与售货员的对话不少于60词
S:Salesman A:Ann B:Betty S:Welcome to our CD shop.What can I do for you?欢迎光临我们的CD商店,需要什么帮助?
A:We want to see some movies,what is your recommendation?我们想看几部电影,您有什么建议?
S:Well,how about the movies recently been released?Such as Black Shadow acted by Johnny Deep,the Avengers and New York Assassination?
A:Oh,I have watched the Black Shadow and the New York Assaaaination a few days ago,what is the Avengers talking about?
哦,我几天前已经看过了黑影和纽约行动,复仇者联盟演的是什么?S:It is about some heros,the Iron Man,the Captain America,the Black Widow and the other three heroes,who cooperated together to make up a “revenge team”.They worked together to fight against the evil and fight for peace and the safety of the earth.I think it is exciting.
A:Sounds wonderful,I like it,what do you think?听起来不错,你觉得呢?
B:Great!We will take it.很棒,就买它了.
S:Salesman A:Ann B:Betty S:Welcome to our CD shop.What can I do for you?欢迎光临我们的CD商店,需要什么帮助?
A:We want to see some movies,what is your recommendation?我们想看几部电影,您有什么建议?
S:Well,how about the movies recently been released?Such as Black Shadow acted by Johnny Deep,the Avengers and New York Assassination?
A:Oh,I have watched the Black Shadow and the New York Assaaaination a few days ago,what is the Avengers talking about?
哦,我几天前已经看过了黑影和纽约行动,复仇者联盟演的是什么?S:It is about some heros,the Iron Man,the Captain America,the Black Widow and the other three heroes,who cooperated together to make up a “revenge team”.They worked together to fight against the evil and fight for peace and the safety of the earth.I think it is exciting.
A:Sounds wonderful,I like it,what do you think?听起来不错,你觉得呢?
B:Great!We will take it.很棒,就买它了.
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