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他是一个合格的机械师,但他后来却搞起了国际贸易He is a qualified machinic,however,winded up with a job in international trade.校长经过面试,选择了几个优秀的大学毕业生从事教学工作.After the interviews,principal choosed several outstanding university graduates to be engaged in the teaching work.这份合同对我们公司非常重要,所以写得越具体越好.我要和我的同事们好好谈谈This contract is extremely important to our company,So write the more specific the better .I must have a good chat with my colleagues.当他得知父亲所在的学校已经倒闭后,泪水从他的脸颊滚落下来.When he heard that the school where his father worked had closed down,tears rolled down his cheeks.
第一句 He was, 或 He used to be... However 后面的不对第三局 So 后面不对.(连词应该联系两句完整的句子)This contract is XXX. So it should be written in detail."have a good chat" -- have a good/ long talk 查看原帖>>