早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享

根据短文情景,用恰当的句子或短语填空.(英语)Dear frieds,Welcome to our school.I'm Susan,an English teacher in the school.14.________ tell you what you are going to do today in our school.Our headmaster will meet you at nine this

Dear frieds,
Welcome to our school.I'm Susan,an English teacher in the school.14.________ tell you what you are going to do today in our school.Our headmaster will meet you at nine this morning.He'll 15.________ our school.Then you will observe an English lesson in Class 1,Grade 2,and 16.________ you'll have lunch with our students and also have a talk with them.In the afternoon,you'll have lunch with our students and also have a talk with them.In the
afternoon ,you'll visit the science building and the libary.Then you may play ball games with our students.At eight thirty in the evening 17.__________ party.And you will spend the evening in Room 308 in that building over there.Ihope you'll 18._________.That's all.
Thank you.
14.I will
15.be at
17.There'll be
18.have a good time.