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( )a cold winter morning,I met her in the street Mrs Brown came to China ( ) 1996They started off( ) an aunmn afternonHe arrived( )ShangHai( ) 9:30( )March5.A new factory will be set up( ) a yearwe will finish the picture( ) a day The teacher is comi

( )a cold winter morning,I met her in the street Mrs Brown came to China ( ) 1996
They started off( ) an aunmn afternon
He arrived( )ShangHai( ) 9:30( )March5.
A new factory will be set up( ) a year
we will finish the picture( ) a day
The teacher is coming back( ) an hour
On 大约的一天,介词用on
in 大约的时间用in
on 大约的一天,介词用on
in in加一段时间表示将来时
at at on 地点用at,几点也用at连接,具体日子用on
in in加时间表示将来时
in in加一段时间表示将来时
in in加一段时间表示将来时
to at in去学校跟go连接的介词是to,几点介词用at,大约的早上用in
on 具体某天用on