早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享

直接引语变间接引语(1)“it is my turn now,”tom said.→ tom said()(2)“i will do it tomorrow"he said.→ he said ( ) (3)he said,"i went to the park yesterday." → he said(that)he had gone to the park ( ) (4)the manager said,"

直接引语变间接引语(1)“it is my turn now,”tom said.→ tom said()(2)“i will do it tomorrow"
he said.→ he said ( ) (3)he said,"i went to the park yesterday." → he said(that)he had gone to the park ( ) (4)the manager said,"the building was completed last year." → the manager said(that)the building had been comlpeted ( ) (5)the boss said,"i will come back this month."→ the boss said ( )(6)"the train left an hour ago,"she said.→ she said (that)the train had left ( )(7)"i am going to visit my uncle next week,"lily said.→ lily said ( )
(1)Tom said that it was his turn then.
(2) he would do it the neaxt day.